Slow Down, Breathe and Listen

I just found a couple of posts hidden away - here's one. I seem to forget to follow it so maybe if I post it publicly I'll remember.

Slow down, breathe and listen....

That was my mantra or maybe just my intention for my gradual return to work. I forgot many days as I felt my head spinning and I doubted my competency. But the moments that I did follow! I discovered that I could be more productive and effective OT when I followed my intention. I felt less stressed too!

I've always has pretty clear boundaries at work. I know and state clearly what my roles and responsibilities are and what they're not. I give it 150% until my work day ends and that's it. Don't ask me anything more, don't call or email me, I won't take work home. Heck, I don't even like reading articles about OT after 4:30.

Don't get me wrong. I still follow the Squamish Home Care unwritten philosophy of "Whatever it takes" to keep someone in their own home with a client-centered approach. I can be flexible at times. Sometimes a family really needs to know how to use a lift but they're only home in the evening. I don't often take my breaks - there's just too much work. However I usually get back my time before the pay period is over so I retain my healthy boundaries. And don't cost the taxpayers extra for overtime!

However, when it comes to my other occupations - wife, mother, friend, neighbor - I fear I don't follow the "slow down, breathe and listen" mantra.

I do too much (though I feel not enough), stay up too late, help the kids too much and worry.

I constantly worry. That I'm not doing a good enough job in my other occupations - mother, wife, housekeeper, friend and so on. I'm not making healthy enough food choices. Not enforcing enough chores. Not composting or recycling enough. Not teaching responsibility with money. Not spending enough time with kids doing important or meaningful activities. Letting them get too much screen time. Not encouraging enough reading and writing and creative pursuits. Not exercising enough. Not training the dogs well enough. Forgetting to sign agendas and return permission forms.

Should shouldn't should shouldn't. That's the voice in my head. Slow down breathe and listen Patricia. And shut that voice up!!!


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